Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Project 3

Selection Outline

For this image I started with a box and the worked on section at a time. For the four small boxes I just made one and then duplicated them and used the grid snap to get them in somewhat the same location. I did the same thing with the triangles as I did with the boxes. For the Circle I just centered it and made it white to begin with.


Original Dancers

Original Head Shot


This one was fun to do. For this the first thing that I did was select only the head in the original head photo and added it to the original dancers image. then I rotated and resized the head until it matched that of the original. Then I made the opacity of the head lower so that I could see through it to erase the unwanted area around the collar of the neck and then put the opacity back to normal. I then adjusted the lighting and made the image black and white until it matched and then I came up with the complete composite image.

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