Thursday, March 26, 2009

Project 5: Focus and Filters

Plastic Awe – This image was fun to do. The first thing I did was adding a lens flare with the movie prime filter. I then added the plastic wrap to the image. This gave the tree a shiny plastic look. Then I used the cutout filter for an added effect.

Moonlight Drawing – for this image I wanted the look of moonlight. I used two filters for this. The first is the lighting effects filter. With this filter I made an omni light and placed it at the top and behind the tree. I then made it the brightness of the omni light glow so that is was just bright enough to show the details of the tree. The next filter that I used was the watercolor filter. With this filter I made the made the shadow intensity a little high to make I look like the moon was out and that the tree was blocking the moons light at its base. I used the watercolor filter to give it more of an artistic look because just the lighting effects filter by itself made the image look fake.

Looking Through Glass – This image is supposed to represent someone looking through frosted glass. For this image I only used the glass filter, I used the frosted option and made the texture of the glass big enough to see the detail of the glass but not to big as to distort the image completely.

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