Thursday, April 9, 2009

This was a fun project to do. I have always loved panoramas and have always wanted to make one, and now I have. Here you can see my three original images, however there were five photos and you can see that final image at the end of this post. The first thing that I did was to expand the canvas of the right image to the left, enough to add two more images. Then I copied and pasted the middle image onto the expanded canvas of the right image. I then mad the opacity of the middle image about 60%, this made the image a little see though. Then I move the middle image to about where it should be when I lined it up with the right image and then used the arrow keys to nudge the image into place. Once in place I put the opacity back to 100% and then changed the levels of the image until it was about the same as the right image. I then used the eraser tool to take out the line that showed up as a result of the middle image on top of the right image. Once this was done I repeated the steps for the left image and the flattened them all together and added vibrance to the image. And the end result is shown as final panorama and final panorama with text.

Final Panorama

Final Panorama with Text

This image below uses all of the five images as mentioned before. This image was used using the Adobe Bridge CS4 and using the photomerge.

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