Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Final Tutorial

Creating Pop Art Using Threshold and Filters
By Nate Vander Martin

This tutorial will show you how to make an image look like pop art by applying threshold and filters.

Original Image

1. Start off by selecting the image that you want to make into pop art.

2. You will the duplicate the layer two times by clicking ctr + J (command + j, if you are using a mac) twice.

3. Once you have your two duplicated layers start off by selecting the top layer.

4. Next we will apply the threshold to the top layer. To do this click Image --> Adjustments --> Threshold…

5. In the threshold screen you will need to move the slider until you get the foreground image mostly outlined. Once it is click OK to get out of the threshold screen.

6. Now we will add a threshold to the middle layer. First click the eye on the top layer to hide it. Then make sure that the middle layer is selected and then open the threshold screen by following step 4.

7. In this threshold screen you will need to move the slider until the background is mostly outlined. Once it is click OK to get out of the screen.

8. Now we need to change to opacity of both the middle and top layers. First we need to click on the eye of the top layer to make it visible again. Click on the layer that you want to change and then click on the opacity slider and change the opacity to about 35% on both the middle and top layer. This will make the two layers a little see though so that the background image shows through a little.

9. Next we will add a filter. First we need to make another duplicate of the bottom or background layer. Then make sure that the new duplicated layer is just above the background layer.

10. Now click Filter --> Textures --> Stained Glass. A pop up window will show. You can then change the settings of the stained glass filter to what ever you would like. I chose to make all three to the least amount as possible. This will make the layer appear like it is stained glass.

11. Now you have a pop art looking image.

1 comment:

  1. This is the perfect picture for this demonstration. What a cutie. And your instructions are clear. I like that you put the screen shots in.
