Thursday, April 23, 2009


For this image the first thing I did was to use color range from the select drop down and chose shadows. I then made a new layer with the selection and made the fill color black. I then used color range and selected mid tone and made that selection into a new layer and made the fill color 50% gray. I then merged the two created layers. I then made a new white layer that was under the merged layer. I then painted the colors onto the blank white layer and came up with the image below.

For this image I first used the color range from the select drop down and chose shadows. I then made the selection a new layer and made the entire selection black using the fill section and kept preserve transparency on. I then used the color range on the original image and chose mid tones. I then made that seleciton into a new layer and made the fill color 50% gray. Turning on all of the layers then gives you the final image below.

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